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Image by Faye Cornish

Angel Messages

Angel Messages are the hidden meanings behind all things synchronistic and angelic in your life. Identifying these Messages can be used as a kind of tool to help you understand your own journey.

The most common way of receiving angel messages is through the use of numbers. Angel numbers often appear at pivotal moments in our lives and help us to navigate through difficult situations.

The following are some examples and common descriptions/meanings of how angel numbers can manifest themselves.

Please keep in mind that there are numerous meanings and interpretations to angel numbers. Each message is unique to you, and it is up to you to decipher what resonates with you and your journey in life:

111- Your intentions are manifesting! Focus on what you want! You are on the right path if you listen to your intuition and heart.

222-Trust that you are on the right path! Everything is working out as it is meant to. Go with the flow!

333- your guides are with you assisting you with whatever it is. You are not alone! Focus on a Balanced Mind, body, spirit.

444 - This angel number appears when you’re in full alignment with your life’s purpose. You are completely surrounded by your angels. You are protected!

555- Prepare for major Transformations! Changes are up ahead! Things are getting exciting!

666- Time to reconnect with your spirituality and re-focus your thoughts. Reminder that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.

777-Luck is on your side! Keep doing what you are doing! You are on the ultimate spiritual path! Look forward to the future. This is a sign that something big is brewing in your life, and it could be tied to manifesting more abundance or luck.

888 -You’re undergoing a period of financial abundance and prosperity. You are aligned with the money you desire. You are in harmony with the Universe.

999- Wrap up and finish your current project! Time to start a new Journey and the next Chapter in your life!

000-New beginnings! Fresh start! You create your own destiny.

1010 - personal growth and spiritual development. It also indicates that it’s time to align yourself with your life purpose. Keep working toward your goals right now.

1111 - Alignment at its finest! you are the master manifester and on the right path. Some say to make a wish when you see 1111 and it will manifest.

1212 - Dream Big and trust the Universe. You are supported by your angels and guides. You are close to achieving your biggest goals and dreams, possibilities and unlimited potential.

If you currently do not see angel messages, do not be discouraged as they are present, but you are not yet aligned to visibly see them. Reiki Healing is a wonderful start to your spiritual journey and alignment!

Check out my services page for what treatment resonates most to assist in realigning to your

True Authentic self!

Remember to be aware of your environment around you, as your angels may be trying to communicate with you.

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