A chakra is a spiritual energy center, and each corresponds to a color of the rainbow. The color of your aura can reveal what your chakras are saying about you.
What is an aura?
Your aura is the energy field that surrounds all living things. It can be seen by some people who have developed their sixth sense, but not all.
The aura reflects your health, emotions and spiritual energy.
Your aura is made up of seven layers: etheric (the body), astral (feelings), mental (thoughts), spiritual (soul), heart, lower mental and physical bodies. The chakras are also connected to these layers of your aura.
What does it mean if your aura is black?
If your aura is black, it could be an indication that you are experiencing some sort of depression, anxiety or other mental health issue. Black auras can also mean that you feel disconnected from others and unsupported. It can also indicate grief and loss.
What does it mean if your aura is red?
Red is the color of energy, passion, and action. It is the color of the root chakra and earth element. Red is also associated with fire elements in Chinese medicine and can represent courage or strength.
If your aura is red, it means you're passionate about life and have a strong sense of self-worth. You'll be able to get what you want out of others by being assertive and standing up for yourself when necessary. If a situation calls for action, then you'll be ready—you don't need much time to make decisions!
Red people are often leaders who are able to motivate others through their charisma alone. The intense energy that comes from red can also mean there's some anger bubbling just below the surface (not always a bad thing!).
What does it mean if your aura is orange?
If your aura is orange, it means that you have a lot of creativity and enthusiasm. You are also very open to new experiences and may be more of a risk-taker.
Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, which is associated with sexuality and creativity.
Orange is also associated with fire, so if your aura is orange, then you might have a strong connection with this element in your life. This could mean that you are drawn to activities that involve fire (such as cooking), or it could mean that you feel like there's something missing from your life because all of the passion has been taken out of it. Orange can also represent the season of summer—a time when everything seems exciting!
What does it mean if your aura is yellow?
The solar plexus is associated with the element of fire, and it's the energy center that corresponds to yellow. When your aura is yellow, you're likely feeling energized and motivated. You've got a lot going on in your life, both mentally and physically—and you're taking on all kinds of challenges head-on! People who see yellow auras are often seen as confident (and rightfully so), but they can also be prone to taking on too much at once. It's important not to spread yourself too thin; if something doesn't feel right, then don't do it!
The intellect is associated with the color yellow—meaning people with this type of aura are most likely intelligent themselves. They like reading books or being involved in intellectual conversations because they love learning new things about themselves as well as others around them. Yellow isn't just about learning though; people who have this color around them tend towards perfectionism which can lead them down an unhealthy path if left unaddressed by those around them who care enough about their wellbeing enough not just tolerate those tendencies but actively try preventing them from destroying someone else's happiness through constant criticism.
What does it mean if your aura is green?
Green is the color of healing and growth. It is also the color of the heart chakra and earth element. The heart chakra, located in the middle of your chest, governs love, compassion, joy and balance among other things. If this chakra is unbalanced or blocked, you may feel disconnected from others or unable to receive love from them. The earth element brings stability and grounding when it's out of balance; too much air can cause someone to feel lightheaded or dizzy but too much fire could make them overly emotional or passionate about something with no regard for their health (for example).
What does it mean if your aura is blue?
If your aura is blue, it means that you are in a state of peace. The color blue is also associated with the throat chakra, which means that you have a strong voice and are capable of communicating what you need to others effectively. Additionally, blue represents the sky and water—almost everything we see around us on Earth has some connection to this color!
So, what does it mean if your aura is not blue? It could be an indication that something has gone wrong in this area of your life. Perhaps you're scared or anxious about something; maybe there's something holding you back from speaking up or being heard in public forums like work meetings or school assemblies; perhaps even just with friends and family members who don't understand where they stand with each other anymore since growing apart over time (or perhaps even moving away).
What does it mean if your aura is purple?
Purple is the color of spiritual wisdom, spiritual awareness, enlightenment and spirituality. It's also the color of royalty—so if you're an enlightened being who has mastered their spirituality and are aware of their divine nature, then purple is a great aura choice for you!
Purple auras can be seen by clairvoyants as well as by anyone who wants to see auras.
Good to know what chakra colors and auras are.
Knowing what your aura is can help you understand your energy. By knowing and understanding your aura, you will be able to understand your chakras and the health of the organs in your body.
Auras have many different colors. Each color corresponds with an organ or chakra, so when looking at someone's aura, you can get a pretty good idea of what their physical energy level is like. For example: if you see lots of red in their aura around their heart chakra and not much green around their third eye (the area between the eyebrows), then it might mean that person has been feeling stressed lately and maybe needs to take some time out for themselves instead of working so hard all day long!
Auras can be a great way to understand yourself, and to understand the people around you. While some may question the validity of this concept, it’s important to keep in mind that it has been used for over a thousand years now by many cultures. We hope that we’ve given you at least some insight into what your aura might mean about you, as well as about how it could interact with others’.