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Image by Faye Cornish

Where does Karmic Energy come from?

Have you ever wondered why your life is the way it is? Why you keep experiencing the same problems over and over again? Why can't you seem to get out of a bad relationship or stop yourself from making the same mistakes over and over again?

Well, you're not alone. Past life trauma, karmic relationships, and karmic energy are all real things that can affect your current life in very real ways.

Past life trauma is when a traumatic experience from your past life causes you to be fearful, angry, or depressed in this one. It could be anything from being haunted to feeling like there's an outside force controlling every aspect of your life.

Karmic energy refers to having a connection with someone who has done something horrible in their past life that makes them feel guilty or ashamed

Karmic Energy - When we have unresolved issues from our past lives, they can also create karmic energy between people who were involved in those lives. This can make it difficult for them to find happiness and fulfillment in their present relationships if they are unable to deal with their own personal issues. A karmic therapist will help you identify these types of situations so that they can be addressed and resolved once and for all.

Karma is the result of past life trauma and Reiki treatments help you to understand your karma and how to work through it.

We all have karma we need to work through, and it comes from our relationships with people in our past lives. These relationships are often karmic, meaning they're based on a balance of energy between two people who know each other in their past lives.

This is why some people feel like they've known each other forever, even if they've only just met. It also explains why people sometimes feel drawn to certain jobs or places where they had happy memories in their previous incarnations.

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a cycle of bad relationships?

Karmic relationships are when two people have been together in multiple past lives and continue to be together in this one because they haven't learned how to let go of each other yet. They might have been lovers or siblings or even enemies, but they always seem to come back around to each other over and over again until they learn how to move forward without each other.

You may also spend time with someone who treats you poorly, and then they dump you and move on to the next person. Or maybe it's the other way around: You break up with someone because they treat you poorly, but then they keep coming back to you over and over again.

If you feel like you are in a pattern of unhealthy relationships, then this may be the result of a past life trauma that is repeating itself in your current life. By working with a Reiki Practitioner, you can learn to heal these old wounds and move forward into healthier partnerships.

The reason for this is karma. Karma is about energy and how we relate to each other, our environment, and ourselves. It's also about how we relate to our past lives. Past life trauma can cause us to repeat patterns of behavior from previous lives—and these patterns often manifest in karmic relationships.

When two people have a karmic relationship, there's some kind of energy connection between them that causes them to keep coming back together regardless of whether they are romantically involved or not. They may be connected through family ties or work experiences—or even by living near each other.

It's time to stop living in the past.

Your past life trauma and relationships are holding you back from moving forward, and I can help you get rid of them through the use of Reiki Energy Healing and Vibrational Therapy to clear out past life Karmic energies from your Auric and Quantum field!

Why? Because it's not you—it's your karmic energy!

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1 Comment

Jun 21, 2022

I've wondered if I've been in karmic relationships. This is a good read!

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